Be Prepared


I have two sons who are currently participating in their local boy scout troop.  The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared!”  Lord Baden-Powell the founder of the Boy Scouts explained: “The Scout Motto is: BE PREPARED which means you are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your DUTY.”  To be able to respond in the moment a decision or action is called for without preparation is nothing more than luck.  Unfortunately, many out there are hoping for great results without putting in the time to prepare.  They may get lucky, but they will probably end up with the countless others whose dreams were dashed and then stood around wondering why.  Unfortunately, I have been on a few too many campouts where little was done to prepare and the results were less than what they should have been.   I believe strongly in the need to be prepared.  We have chosen as our slogan here at Hallock & Hallock, “We’re Prepared to Help You Prepare!”  We are constantly working at refining existing strategies and working on new ones that will help clients meet their goals.  But, we are not magicians.  It takes effort on the part of our clients to participate in the planning process.  Like the old maxim says – preparation plus opportunity equals success.  Are you ready to succeed?  Are you ready to prepare?


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